Her Choice by Noor Qussini

Note from the Artist…

“ Each one of us has a choice as we approach similar situations differently with our outstanding decisions.This exhibition was inspired by real-life occurrences ,and realistic stories stirring the depths of our soul.It focuses on stories of different women from diverse countries,ages, and cultures.All of this was established in the paintings using a combination of colors that refined a woman’s true essence and character which highlighted her strength and ability to achieve the impossible and overcome all adversities to convert her life and brighten her future that is reflected upon her and those surrounding her,and this is genuinely her choice.”

Noor Qussini is a Jordanian Visual Artist,who was born and raised in Qatar,graduated from the University of Jordan with a Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Arts/Painting in 2011.She is currently working as an Art Educator at The Museum of Islamic Art.
